Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Intrinsic Meaning of Basmallah

In a hadith of Muhammad SAW, The Prophet, he said, "every content of all Holy Books given by Allah The Almighty, are included in Holy Quran, His last Holy Book. And all content of Qur’an is included in surah Al Fathehah. And all content of surah Al Fathehah is in Bismillahirahmannirrahim [in the name of Allah the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate]."

Even said in other hadith that “every content in Bismillahirahmannirrahim is in the letter of Baa’, and every content in the letter of Baa’ is in the dot under the letter of Baa’."

Some wiser people affirm, “In the perspective of person who know Allah The Almighty [the Makrifat], Bismillahirahmanirrahim is in equal position of word “Kun” from Allah The Almighty.” [ Kun = Be, the recurring phrase in which Allah’s act of the creation]

It is known that the discussions of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim are mostly being reviewed from all aspects, either its grammatical aspect [Nahwu & Sharaf] or its etymological aspect, beside review on the letter itself, its form, its characteristic, its position, its arrangement and its speciality on other letters stipulated in surah Al Fathehah, the preambule of Qur’an, the critalisation and the specification of letters in the letter of Baa’, its benefit and its secret.

Our purpose is not exploring them, but more to the essential and the deepest intrinsic meaning which are relevant to all things beside Allah The Almighty. The discussion will spin each other, because all of them has one purpose, that is recognize Allah The Almighty [Makrifatullah].

[to be continued..]

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