It likely becomes a usual manner for human-being if we tend to pay less caring and attentions toward the one who actually love us real. At first time perhaps feeling of having a special one can make us reluctant to be far away from, we want the clock not rounding that make us be apart awhile, at the first time, this usually happens. Afterward, along the times passing by, the feeling of not-want-to-be apart decrease in its own way, psikologist say it is a natural in a long-term relationship. Some becomes closer and tighter, some others become far and even aparted. The reason that usually taken is love, the love itself has made people close, be aparted or even divorce.
How come love become the reason of separation, of hurting others, of war, of destruction, of other disorder manner ? is it really the love or is it only the distortion of the meaning of love ? .. what kind of love actually that can make all things together in harmony for all times being, that is able to unite the differences or discrepancies in one goal of peace, balance, all does in very short-time undebatable ? ..
If people want to be honest to theirserlves, ask to their own deep heart, freeing their thoughts out of the boundary, they must find the same answer for such questions. The answers which are fresh and clean, pouring by the truth of lives itself. If they are lucky, they simultaneously find the secret of love lives, the real one that is endless in time and boundaries, the source & creator of eternal loves.
Once our heart intends to search the real love with less ego or pure thinking together with high spirits, we will be surely assisted by the light of the highest majesty to meet and be met with the eternal love. the highest love will not be fade by time .. or decrease by age .. or eliminate by some destructions of manner or events, in the contrary, it is love that will be tighter and tighter, always peace, balance and harmony, for all kind of creatures that lives in this mortal world.
Let us racing by the time to meet the source of our love lives, pure from sin, a white remarkable light surrounding you, before your life time is up and you will regret on your past mortal world..
lights upon lights .. smile white..

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